By Jamie

I have developed the name GLATURE from my passion and fascinations, being glamour and couture. With my appetite for writing and fashion, I have combined my two deepest passions therefore inspiring the birth of my fashion blog.
The idea of ‘GLATURE’ comes from the fascination of the world around me. Inspiration is everywhere, from magazines to your surroundings, and my blog inspires me to open up to the world as well as give me the opportunity to do what I enjoy. In order to inspire people, one first needs to be inspired by others. My biggest source of inspiration comes from fashion and the world of media. GLATURE aims to inspire people through innovation, therefore with achieving over 470 hits on my fashion blog within two months and having people from different continents reading my blog; this proves that every day I am one step closer to achieving my goals.
Although the source of my passion is fueled by many things such the media, nature, my surrounding and the fashion industry, I find my deepest well of inspiration from my intuition by letting my ideas of creativity emerge naturally from my mind. I also embrace my freedom to change courses many times along the way. This is shown through my photography, topics for my blog and fashion styling I have done on set during my internship at a company called 2nd Take, an online magazine specializing in international designer labels and brands. This shows the ways in which I have approached fashion in different directions.
I have also incorporated the name, GLATURE, into a name for my portfolio as it symbolizes not only my blog, but everyday inspirations as I embrace my passion for creativity.
Although I have learned a lot, I can’t define what best inspires me as inspiration comes from the dramatic moments in our lives and is a journey itself; a journey I would like to share with you, my journey towards inspiration.
As part of my portfolio, please see my blog on
You will also be looking at a movie I have created using photography and videos I have taken during my internship at 2nd Take. These photos and videos include Cape Town’s J&B Met Racing and Fashion Event 2013, being one of the most exclusive events on South Africa’s annual calendar. You will also be looking at this photos as displayed in 2nd Take's 'Trend Take' online magazine.
My portfolio also consists of fashion styling I have done on set of a photo shoot for 2nd Take.
My Journey and Inspiration..